发布了,微软开发者大会已经公布了,这是新特性,其他细节味透露* Support for Multicore processors. 支持多核心* Support for 720p screens - WVGA, WXGA and 720p Old Windows Phone apps will run fine on the new resolutions.支持720P,800x480,1280x768,1280x720* Removable Micro-SD support. Supports Music, Photos, Videos, Installing apps. 可换M SD卡* Internet Explorer 10 support. Same rendering engine as desktop Windows 8. Smart Screen and Anti-phishing tech support. 桌面IE10* Support for Native code developers. 支持本地代码,C++/C,原有的C#继续支持,也就是说现有WP7.5应用仍然适用。* Support for native NFC. Most complete Wallet experience. 支持NFC, 支付* Datasmart technology for data management. DATASMART数据管理* Local Scout will help you find nearby Wi-Fi hotspots.* WinRTP APIs Similar to Windows RT类似于Windows RT的翻转。* Rich Communications Suite RCSe 富通信套件* Skype integrated within the OS. 整合SKYPE* Xbox LIVE app replaces Games hub.* Support for LOB app deployment. 企业支持自部署应用,不通过官方商城。* Support for Secure book and Encryption.支持企业级安全和加密。* Nokia Maps built into Windows Phone 8. 采用NOKIA地图* Support for new Live tile sizes. 新瓷砖,可以调整大小* 50国家语言* 音量分离,重力感应开关* 与Windows8使用同样的NT内核,WP8或将兼容Win8应用。* 更加完善的多任务,后台和推送机制。* WP8的首批OEM厂商是诺基亚,三星,华为,HTC。芯片仍由高通提供。* WP8无法在现有设备上运行。不过微软会为WP7.5用户开发另外的系统升级,也就是WP7.8。WP7.8会包含WP8同样的开始界面。* Tellme更加智能,后期支持中文,开发者可以开发内嵌Tellme的应用。

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