索尼LT26ii的机子 港版水货 13w20 IMEI 352900051178122 安兔兔跑了8000多分 CPU也是显示1.7 是翻新机吗
Information on IMEI 352900051178122Type Allocation Holder Sony Mobile Equipment Type Sony LT26i Xperia S GSM Implementation Phase 2/2+ IMEI Validity Assessment >|<Very likely Information on range assignmentEst. Date of Range Issuance Around Q4 2011 Reporting Body British Approvals Board of Telecommunications BABT Primary Market Europe Legal Basis for Allocation EU R&TTE Directive Information on number formatFull IMEI Presentation 352900-05-117812-2 Reporting Body Identifier 35 Type Allocation Code 35290005 Serial Number 117812 Check Digit 2 水货机器希望帮到你
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