佳能60D出现Err 01“相机与镜头的通信有故障请清洁镜头触点”是什么问题
你不是唯一的一个人,美国爱好者的大量17-85出现同样的问题,其原因就是排线设计不合理,在调Zoom的时候排线会打死弯,然后就出现接触不良甚至折断的问题。有的人是一年坏一个。但是修理也不复杂,换掉排线就好了。但是仍然会坏。现在美国有人在网上卖替换的排线,6美元一个,让你自己换。不只是17-85有这个问题,佳能的小数码S100有同样问题,调焦时会毁排线。我现在越来越怀疑佳能的质量了。下面是英文wrote:The same happened to me: after being repaired in 2009 atthe cost of 290 Euro, the lens failed again in 2010. When I brought itto an independent repair centre I was in Canada the comment was thatit has a design mistake something with a ribbon transmitting data andhaving it repaired was strongly discouraged. I took their advice andbought the 15-85 - until now very pleased. No idea if the issue has beensolved by Canon in the 17-85 still on sale today.The repair centre is right. The ef-s 17-85 does have a design mistake. Thereis a flexi cable going to the diaphragm that bends sharply when youzoom in and out. The problem is worst at the wide end.I had mylens fail and I decided to repair the lens myself. It is not somethingthat I can recommend to everyone but if you are careful and are used torepairing equipment it is certainly possible. You will need to do somefine soldering. My lens works perfectly again for about $6 for the newflexi cable until it breaks again in a few years. Canon definitelydropped the ball here. Every ef-s 17-85 will fail eventually and that isa pity cause it‘s a very useful lens.If you want to know more google ef-s17-85 diaphragm.
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