You Will Need 你需要A photographer 一个摄影师A camera with flash 带闪光灯的照相机Step 1: Choose your clothes第一步: 选择照相穿的衣服 When choosing your clothes, leave bright colors, crazy patterns, and horizontal stripes in the closet. Neutral colors look best.在选衣服时,将那些色彩艳丽,款式奇怪和横条纹的衣服留在衣柜里。中性色调的衣服会让你看起来最美。 Step 2: Check your face第二步:检查你的容貌 Check your face in the mirror: Do you have any blemishes you could cover, or greasy skin that needs powdering? Could your eyes use some drop to clear up redness? Are your eyebrows trim and neat?在镜前检查你的容貌:你脸上是否有瑕疵需要遮盖,或脸部过于油腻需要擦粉?是否需要眼药水来去除眼睛里的红血丝?你的眉毛是否需要修剪? Tip 小窍门If you wear makeup, remember that colors will look more intense in photos, especially on black-and-white film.如果你化妆,记住色彩会在照片上看起来更鲜艳,特别是黑白照片。Step 3: Take pictures outside in morning or before sunset第三步:清晨或日落前在室外拍照 Try to have the pictures taken outside in the morning or before sunset. The light is soft and flattering at these times, whereas high noon or flash photography can illuminate a little too much.尽量在清晨或在日落前在室外拍照,此时的光线比较柔和。正午的阳光下和使用闪光灯拍出的照片都会过于明亮。 Step 4: Make sure camera is eye level第四步:确保照相机与被拍照者的眼睛水平 Make sure the camera lens is at eye level or just slightly higher. Any lower and you’ll look like you have a double chin.确保相机的高度位于被拍照者的眼睛或略高一些。若相机位置过低,你就会看起来有双下巴。 Step 5: Lean back & angle hip forward 第五部:拍照时身体略微侧一点 To appear more natural when standing for a photo, lean slightly back, with your weight on your rear foot, and angle one hip forward.拍照时身体略微向后倾斜一点会让照片看起来更自然。重量放在后面的腿上,臀部略微向前。 Tip 小窍门Keep your posture erect but not overly posed. Think “Greek Statue,” not “William Shatner.” 尽量保持身体直立,但不要过分摆姿势。想想“希腊雕塑”,但不要像“William Shatner”Step 6: Turn your head第六部:略微转一点头 Turn your head two-thirds to one side or the other for a slimming effect on your face.将向一侧转2/3,会让你看起来更苗条。 TipAvoid wide-angle lenses, which will widen the appearance of your face.避免使用广角镜,它会让你的脸看起来比较宽。Step 7: Look at a light source第七步:看着光源 Look at a light source, like a lamp or light, for a few moments. It reduces the size of your pupils and the possibility of red-eye. However, never look directly at the sun.看着光源,例如台灯或摄影灯。这样会缩小你的瞳孔,降低产生红眼的可能性。另外,不要盯着太阳看。 Step 8: Prevent blinking第八步:避免眨眼 Just before the picture is taken, close your eyes and have the photographer count to three. Then open your eyes as he begins shooting. This is the best way to prevent blinking from ruining shots.在拍照前,闭眼。让摄影师数到三,在开始拍照时挣开眼睛。这是避免眨眼的最好方法。 Step 9: Smile第九步:微笑 The last and most important part of a picture is the smile. Saying kitschy things like “cheese” forces a fake grin that makes you look like a newscaster or a local politician. Instead, think of a funny memory, which will bring out a naturally happy look. 拍张漂亮照片最后但是最重要的部分就是要微笑。说“cheese”这些能让你看起来微笑的词会让你像新闻播音员或当地政客。想想可笑的记忆,这样你给你带来最自然的微笑。

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